We humans, we’re not all that keen on dying. Ever since the stories of the Fountain of Youth bewitched sailors and explorers in the 16th century, we have been fixated on finding
It all starts with a plume of smoke on the horizon. Wispy and ethereal, the twisting, blooming columns of white and grey belie the danger and devastation to come. Within moments, the

As the long summer days in San Antonio, Texas draw to a close and the residents bed in for a sweltering evening, the majority of its inhabitants are just waking up. Just

In Homer’s epic poem, the Iliad, we are introduced to the κητος (pronounced care-tos) a most ghastly and terrifying serpent dwelling in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. When Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia

With the characterisation of a magnetic compass, the research stemming from Monarch migration has received new life. Revisiting the established discovery that blocking antennae light-detection resulted in complete disorientation, it was now

For researchers attempting to unravel the story of the Monarch migration, the fact that the circadian clocks in the brain played no part in migration came provided a surprising twist. The functions that did

Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle classified over 500 species of birds, mammals and fish. Finely in tune with the natural world, his analyses deciphered many of the processes that occur in nature for

Disuse osteoporosis is bone loss resulting from reduced mechanical loading of the skeleton; the processes of bone formation and bone resorption,in which cells known as osteoclasts break down bone and release the minerals,

We humans, we’re not all that keen on dying. Ever since the stories of the Fountain of Youth bewitched sailors and explorers in the 16th century, we have been fixated on finding