The control room of reactor number four at the Chernobyl Power Plant was a maze of control panels. Dials lined every observable surface and the room was a cacophony of beeping, providing
If you happened to scan a map of Tennessee in the early 1940s, your finger would inevitably pause over the recognisable urban centres of Memphis, Nashville or Knoxville. A seemingly unremarkable settlement

A mass spectrometer is a complex mixture of wires, electrodes, metal piping and whirring machinery. Inside, chemical compounds are ionised, accelerated and deflected by powerful electric and magnetic fields, separating according to

The control room of reactor number four at the Chernobyl Power Plant was a maze of control panels. Dials lined every observable surface and the room was a cacophony of beeping, providing

They say that a picture speaks a thousand words. A picture alone can even tell the entire story of its subjects – their posture, clothes, environment, even the lines on their face

When you think about a planet, you would probably imagine a rocky or gassy sphere orbiting around its parent star. For many years, this was the only way planets were thought to

On Boxing Day 2004, the Earth experienced one of its largest ever earthquakes. The infamous Indian Ocean earthquake and its associated tsunami was a hugely energetic seismological event, releasing the the same