Gluten Free: Fad or Fact?

A mindset has slowly been spreading around the world, having emerged from the self-ordained capital of the health world in southern California. This mindset is that gluten is now the latest enemy

The Sincerest Form of Flattery

Whether it is in the observation of the natural world, or in the discovery of phenomena facilitated by our relatively recent scientific progress, the presence of repeating patterns in different environments and

Using Cancer to our Advantage

Recently, I wrote a post about how we may find the solutions to some of our most baffling problems where we least suspect them. This one develops on that somewhat, discussing how


Stellar Boom

On Boxing Day 2004, the Earth experienced one of its largest ever earthquakes. The infamous Indian Ocean earthquake and its associated tsunami was a hugely energetic seismological event, releasing the the same

The Jellyfish That Never Dies

We humans, we’re not all that keen on dying. Ever since the stories of the Fountain of Youth bewitched sailors and explorers in the 16th century, we have been fixated on finding

The Worst Disease You Can Get

When Italian neurologist Pierluigi Gambetti characterised the condition known as Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI), he described it as “the worst disease you can get”. Given the plethora of devastating diseases we can