The Isdalen valley is an unforgiving place. It sits in the shadow of the largest of a group of mountains overlooking the Norwegian city of Bergen, its rocks whipped bare of grass by bracing
It’s hot and humid in the Zika forest. It always is. In this part of the world, wiping away sweat becomes muscle memory, the squeal of mosquitoes a constant, cacophonous presence. The

Despite substantial success in the laboratory in recent decades, cancer remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world, contributing to 8%

What does it mean to be dead? Advancing medical science continually challenges our definition. Can we be said to be dead when we stop breathing or if our heart stops? In centuries

‘What a curious feeling!’ said Alice; `I must be shutting up like a telescope.’ And so it was indeed: she was now only ten inches high……First, however, she waited for a few

Despite significant advances, cancer remains one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. It is estimated that half of us will develop one form of cancer or another

What do the three headlines above all have in common? As far as scientists are concerned, they share an sensationalism that probably does not represent the findings of the original study. Such

Cancer therapy is one of the most rapidly advancing fields in medical biology. In mere decades, survival rates have significantly increased and undergoing chemotherapy is a far more pleasant experience than it

When you think about a planet, you would probably imagine a rocky or gassy sphere orbiting around its parent star. For many years, this was the only way planets were thought to

On 3rd September, British volunteer nurse William Pooley was discharged from the Royal Free hospital in North London. What make him different to the other patients discharged that day was that Pooley

Norman Borlaug was an American biologist and humanitarian, known as “the father of the green revolution” and “the man who saved a billion lives”. Through his work as a plant pathologist and