The Isdalen valley is an unforgiving place. It sits in the shadow of the largest of a group of mountains overlooking the Norwegian city of Bergen, its rocks whipped bare of grass by bracing
The Isdalen valley is an unforgiving place. It sits in the shadow of the largest of a group of mountains overlooking the Norwegian city of Bergen, its rocks whipped bare of grass by bracing

The control room of reactor number four at the Chernobyl Power Plant was a maze of control panels. Dials lined every observable surface and the room was a cacophony of beeping, providing

The decision taken by the United States in August 1945 to force the surrender of Japan and end the Second World War undoubtedly changed the world. The bombings of Hiroshoma and Nagasaki

They say that a picture speaks a thousand words. A picture alone can even tell the entire story of its subjects – their posture, clothes, environment, even the lines on their face

The story that Deborah from Monroe, Georgia tells of her experience with colorectal cancer is one that will resonate with anyone that has gone through a similar journey. In the two weeks

As Stanley Gartler stepped up to the microphone in the meeting room of the palatial Bedford Springs Hotel, one of the final remaining great nineteenth century spa hotels in the United States,

In Homer’s epic poem, the Iliad, we are introduced to the κητος (pronounced care-tos) a most ghastly and terrifying serpent dwelling in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. When Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia

With the characterisation of a magnetic compass, the research stemming from Monarch migration has received new life. Revisiting the established discovery that blocking antennae light-detection resulted in complete disorientation, it was now

For researchers attempting to unravel the story of the Monarch migration, the fact that the circadian clocks in the brain played no part in migration came provided a surprising twist. The functions that did

Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle classified over 500 species of birds, mammals and fish. Finely in tune with the natural world, his analyses deciphered many of the processes that occur in nature for